Releases Notes

Version.3.3.3 (Current)

  • better plots for bigdata


  • reduce Imports moving to Suggests

  • Better effect size C.I. for glm

  • Custom contrasts tables

  • Pretty clean

  • custom contrasts tables

  • custom contrasts in R interface

  • fixing emmeans tables for multinomial mixed

  • fix dependent variable in gzlm

  • Johnson-Neyman plot for all models

  • Custom contrasts for all models

  • custom contrasts for GLM

  • Custom contrast focused analysis

  • Implementation of custom contrasts

  • vignettes


  • marginal effects for newer version of R

  • readme

  • ARMA residual variance

  • ARMA residual structure in mixed

  • better update for plots


  • fix annoying messages in R

  • fix export for assumptions plots


  • fix plots export for all models

  • fix for exporting plots

  • fix strange random effect plots

  • Fix multinomial labels


  • cbind interface for probit

  • fix bug in interface

  • cbind data for logistic


  • Johnson-Neyman plot for general linear model

  • fit to 2.5 (part 1)

  • cross classification tab for logistic

  • Zeroing negative adjusted r-squares for lm

  • js update for different interfaces

  • Code restructuring

  • Range conditioning for GLM

  • simple effects for range

  • collinerity stats

  • Better labels for exp(B)


  • fix assumptions plots


  • no parallel for windows


  • memory issue in plots

  • versioning


  • log in windows

  • small updates

  • qqplots

  • logs

  • a

  • memory issues in plots


  • more robust model comparisons


  • residual variance-covariance structures in R


  • ordinal posthoc


  • More options for R interface

  • fix R2 adj

  • better plots lines


  • more on syntax


  • Readme

  • better feedback when custom gzlm fails

  • Fix custom distribution updating

  • Fix F-test model comparison in GLM

  • R nested formulas


  • Better handling of zeros

  • Fix multinomial mixed

  • fix some table update


  • nesting and crossing by formula in linear mixed model

  • Better optimizer for glmer

  • Identify by row number extreme cases in assumptions check plots


  • more info for residuals covariance matrix

  • Assumptions plots for autocorrelated mixed models

  • fixing blocks of random effects in GZ mixed

  • Fix the random blocks

  • Improve the models comparison table

  • Fix predicted with missing


  • Precision information in beta models

  • beta regression

  • it works

  • autoregressive and unstructured residual variances and covariances

  • better dispatch

  • fixing some plot aesthetics

  • More solid nested formulas

  • Version 3

  • Support for parallel computations of bootstrap stats

  • Work on bootstrap

  • Adjusted R2 for gzlm

  • Model comparison for clm

  • Fix posthoc for clm

  • Marginal effects for ordinal models

  • Parallel test for proportional odds models

  • Different heteroschedasticity-consistent standard error methods for the general linear model

  • Efficient bootstrap confidence intervals

  • New names for commands in R interface

  • Pretty good R interface

  • Plots for all generalized mixed models

  • Removable notes for tables

  • Robust F-tests for lm models

  • Models comparison for multinomila mixed models

  • Multinomial mixed model

  • Options for methods for plotting random effects

  • Better random effects plot

  • Unlimited levels in plots

  • Offset variable for generalized linear models

  • Relative risk and marginal effects for GzL Mixed

  • Better options for syntax mode

  • Improvements in the R syntax

  • Proportional odds ordinal regression

  • Multinomial marginal effects

  • Marginal effects

  • Models comparison

  • vcov glm

  • Major options names change (this will break back compatibility for good)

  • Variance partitioning coefficients in mixed models

  • Ordinal regression in GzLM

  • New plots for assumptions in mixed


  • Precision information in beta models

  • beta regression

  • it works

  • autoregressive and unstructured residual variances and covariances

  • better dispatch

  • fixing some plot aesthetics

  • More solid nested formulas

  • Version 3

  • Support for parallel computations of bootstrap stats

  • Work on bootstrap

  • Adjusted R2 for gzlm

  • Model comparison for clm

  • Fix posthoc for clm

  • Marginal effects for ordinal models

  • Parallel test for proportional odds models

  • Different heteroschedasticity-consistent standard error methods for the general linear model

  • Efficient bootstrap confidence intervals

  • New names for commands in R interface

  • Pretty good R interface

  • Plots for all generalized mixed models

  • Removable notes for tables

  • Robust F-tests for lm models

  • Models comparison for multinomila mixed models

  • Multinomial mixed model

  • Options for methods for plotting random effects

  • Better random effects plot

  • Unlimited levels in plots

  • Offset variable for generalized linear models

  • Relative risk and marginal effects for GzL Mixed

  • Better options for syntax mode

  • Improvements in the R syntax

  • Proportional odds ordinal regression

  • Multinomial marginal effects

  • Marginal effects

  • Models comparison

  • vcov glm

  • Major options names change (this will break back compatibility for good)

  • Variance partitioning coefficients in mixed models

  • Ordinal regression in GzLM

  • New plots for assumptions in mixed


  • Major options names change (this will break back compatibility for good)

  • Variance partitioning coefficients in mixed models

  • Ordinal regression in GzLM

  • New plots for assumptions in mixed


  • Multinomial labels in simple effects


  • Fix relative risk table


  • Random effects in plots (again)

  • Percentiles labels

  • Fix post-hoc tests columns


  • Smooth random effects plot lines

  • Improved random effects listing for GzLMM

  • Allow strange names in mixed plots

  • Random effects listing prevents combinatoric explotion


  • Fix dots in effect sizes table

  • Update effect sizes

  • Fix multinomial posthoc labels


  • Better effect size indices for simple effects in GLM

  • Total df in GLM


  • Better effect size indices in GLM


  • Fix issue with effect size in 2.5.3


  • Cluster-based centering (second issue)


  • Fix cluster-based centering for strange combinations of cluster variables

  • Fix clusterbased centering in glmmixed


  • Fix simple effects for multinomial models

  • Fix cluster centering for integer coded clusters

  • GLM tot SS

  • Centered covariated for GLM

  • Fix for bootstrap CI for random effect

  • Fix random coefs CI when covariance are present

  • Update some tests

  • Fix confidence intervals labels


  • Fix SS total for GLM


  • Correct dodging of plots

  • Fix transfer random effect UI

  • Spelling errors in Gmixed


  • Confidence intervals for generalized mixed models

  • Confidence intervals for random effects in mixed models

  • Better labels in Gmixed info table

  • BIC in GzLM

  • Save residuals and predicted for Gz mixed

  • Save predicted and residuals for GzLM

  • Save predicted and residuals for mixed models

  • Code restructcuring

  • Tidy format code

  • Fix order of levels in posthoc tests

  • jamovi version compliance

  • Fix jamovi miniapp


  • Better labels in Gmixed info table

  • BIC in GzLM

  • Save residuals and predicted for Gz mixed

  • Save predicted and residuals for GzLM

  • Save predicted and residuals for mixed models

  • Code restructcuring

  • Tidy format code

  • Fix order of levels in posthoc tests


  • plot() function in R

  • Suppress annoying warnings

  • add plot to the R interface

  • Fix gamlj_simpleEffects() output

  • Improved R interface

  • Better options structure in R for all models

  • Fix posthoc documentation

  • Better options structure when passed by R, for contrasts and scling in GLM

  • Better effect size indexes for GLM

  • Change scale of the dependent variable in GLM and Mixed

  • Dependent variable transformation for GLM and Mixed

  • fix direction description in Generalized models

  • Choose DF method in mixed models

  • Better ICC

  • Fix ICC for Generalized mixed

  • Fix labels in random coefficients histogram

  • Add posthoc and simpleEffects convenience function for R


  • Better warnings for Generalized Linear Models

  • Warning for not integer variable in Poisson models

  • Fixed post-hoc interaction emmeans issue

  • Assumptions checking plots for GLM and Mixed Models


  • Greek letters in windows

  • Effect size details for GLM

  • Fix logLik in Mixed Models

  • LogLik comment in Generalized Mixed Models


  • Fix resources limit bug

  • Info (effect sizes and F test) for intercept in the General Linear Model


  • Adjustments to the new version of lme4

  • Add data for Negative Binomial Mixed Model examples

  • ICC for Generalized Mixed Models

  • Overdispersion indicator for Generalized Linear Models

  • Overdispersion indicator for Generalized Mixed Models

  • Fix methods for C.I. in Generalized Mixed Models

  • Fix plot for NB Mixed models

  • First implementation of Mixed Negative Binomial models


  • Fix LRT for random effects

  • Update R help

  • fix order of interactions in Gzlm

  • Fix order of interactions in GLM R interface


  • Fix multinomial estimates bug

  • response type for predicted in R interface

  • Fix plots in R


  • Fix small bugs related with standardizing within clusters in mixed models

  • Fix plots in mixed with multiple clustering variables


  • fix update in R interface

  • update tests for R interface

  • Center covariates by default in R interface

  • Extract predicted values in R interface for all models

  • Different optimizers in GzMixed

  • Improved handling of aliased models

  • GLM and GzLM handle cases where parameters are not estimates


  • Improved warnings and errors for GzMixed

  • Improved warnings and errors form GzLM

  • Fix confidence intervals feeback for singular models

  • Fix results for singular rank models

  • Mixed: add info about optimizer

  • Mixed: Improved convergence with different optimizers

  • Fix jmvcore calls

  • Version 2.0.2


  • Fix random effects plot in gzmlmixed

  • Fix simple effects in R 3.6

  • Fix locate issue in linux

  • optimizer = “bobyqa” for generalized mixed models


  • fix Random Effects plot of linear predictor

  • Color observed scores in plots when moderator is categorical

  • BIC in mixed models

  • Allow F and t test in simple effects for large sample in Mixed models

  • Different methods for CI in the generalized mixed models

  • AIC, BIC and Deviance for Generalized Mixed Models

  • Generalized mixed models


  • New dataset for Poisson model testing

  • new tests for R package

  • Proper labels for estimated marginal means in GzLM

  • Fix effect size indexes defaults for custom model

  • Custom distribution and link function in the GzLM

  • Fix Relative Risk CI inversion


  • fix gzlm UI bug


  • Update info table when intercept is changed

  • Fix bug in updating confidence interval length

  • Relative Risk for logistic regression

  • add singular fit check in mixed models

  • fix the AIC in info table

  • EXp(B) confidence intervals

First versions

version 1.0.5

  • polynomial effects
  • Update graphs when model terms are changed
  • Fix the R-squared for not binomial GZLM
  • added datasets

version 1.0.4

  • Fix bug in simple effects display in Windows 10
  • Fix simple effects for “dummy” coded factors

version 1.0.3

  • add R interface command to obtain a ggplot object
  • fix some characters in Windows

version 1.0.1


  • bug fix regarding recycling results with very large datasets
  • Estimated marginal means for conditioned covariates
  • contrasts labels in the simple effects parameters table
  • contrasts labels in the plots
  • custom levels for conditioning of continuous variables involved in interactions
  • labels or values in simple effects tables and plots for continuous covariates
  • fix interaction disappearing from model declaration
  • fix variables name with spaces and weired characters
  • Improved description of contrast coding
  • add dummy coding (0 and 1) with intercept equal to reference group
  • Fix interaction symbol in windows 10
  • Restructuring of simple effects and posthoc table for better reading
  • Improved compatibility with R when loaded as R package
  • Helper functions to interact with the results in R
  • Recycle of table results to speed up results updating
  • Fix for factor levels labels with spaces and other weired characters
  • Fix for variable names with spaces and other weired characters
  • Improved plots

Mixed models

  • Intra-class correlation for random intercepts
  • Random effects plots
  • LRT for random effects
  • Fix for models without fixed intercept
  • Fix for random intercept only models
  • Wider range of estimation techniques when model does not converge at first run
  • Improved warnings and comments
  • More flexible estimation of simple effects

GLM models

  • Added Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests for normality of residuals
  • Added Adjusted R-squared

GLZM models

  • Several small bug fixes
  • Improved info table regarding model implementation

version 0.9.7

  • fix cluster-based centering and standardizing

version 0.9.6

  • Fix multinomial plot axes

version 0.9.4

New features

  • Probit model
  • Over-dispersed Poisson model
  • Negative binomial model

Bug fixes

  • Plot without confidence intervals
  • Contrasts coding in line wiht ANOVA module

version 0.9.3

  • Plotting raw data along with predicted effects

  • Y-axis range can be set to the range of the dependent variable

  • Confidence intervals for all models in the plots

  • Catching several errors with degenerated or non-estimable multinomial models

version 0.9.2

  • Fixed a bug in the GZLM R-squared. Now the R-squared corresponds to McFadden’s R squared ref info

  • Fix errors with non-standard names of variables

  • Better warnings when emmeans fails to estimate the post-hocs in GZLM

  • Labels in multinomial plots for separate lines variable

  • Uncorrelated random effects option now works

version 0.0.9

  • First release to go public