This function re-estimates a GAMLj model adding a Johnson-Nayman plot, if not available already. If no option is passed, extracts the plots present in the `gamlj*Results` object. If JN plot is present, it is returned as a ggplot2 object, if more than one is present, a list of plots is returned. FALSE is returned if no plot is present or defined.
jnplot(x, formula = NULL, ...)
a gamlj results object of the class `gamlj`
a right hand side formula specifying the effect to plot, of the form `~x*z` or `~x*z*w`. It has prevalence on other options defining a plot.
all options accepted by a gamlj model function.
Relevant for new plots are plot_x
, plot_z
and plot_by
an object of class ggplot or a list of ggplot objects